Donate through your bank
You can give a one-time donation to the work of the Butterfly Trust through your online banking or at your local branch using our bank details. You can also set up a standing order if you would like to give regularly. If you sign a Gift Aid declaration, then your donation can go even further.
Our details:
Name: The Butterfly Trust
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Account Type: Trustees Account
Sort code: 80-02-78
Account No: 00584054
You can find out other ways to support the Butterfly Trust on our Fundraising page.
Gift Aid
Every donation you make to the Butterfly Trust, of any value, could be worth more at no extra cost to you just by choosing to Gift Aid it. HMRC will add an extra 25p to every £1 you give. So a £20 donation becomes £25, a £50 donation becomes £62.50, and a £100 donation becomes £125!